Ford Stock Fell When It Lowered the Electric Mustang Price To Compete With Tesla

Ford Stock

Ford Stock (NYSE:F)

The price of the electric Mustang Mach-E crossover vehicle was reduced by an average of $4.5K by Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F). The GT Extended Range version had a price decrease of $5,900, the largest price drop in dollars. In contrast, the Select RWD Standard Range version only received a price reduction of $900. The price reductions come on the heels of a price decrease that Tesla implemented on the Model Y earlier in January. As a result, Ford stock declined.

The company based in Detroit anticipates that manufacturing of the Mach-E will expand to 130 thousand cars yearly from 78 thousand units. On the other hand, due to the price savings, not all Mach-E models will be profitable even while operating on a larger scale.

“We are not going to give any of the ground we have gained to anybody else. We are increasing our production of electric vehicles (EVs) to shorten the wait periods of our customers, we are providing competitive pricing, and we are aiming to provide an unparalleled ownership experience, “Ford’s Chief Customer Officer, Marin Gjaja.

Experts generally have a highly optimistic outlook on the effect that Tesla’s price reduction would have on the market leader in electric vehicles. However, they caution that rivals may need help finding profitability due to their current financial background. Berenberg raised TSLA to a Buy rating earlier on Monday and said that the initial price cuts represented the company’s cost leadership strategy to capture market share.

During the premarket hours on Monday, Ford stock dropped by 2.41%, while Tesla barely edged out a gain of 0.39 %.

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About the author: I'm a financial journalist with more than 3 years of experience. I have worked for different financial companies and covered stocks listed on ASX, NYSE, NASDAQ, etc. I have a degree in marketing from Bahria University Islamabad Campus (BUIC), Pakistan.