MCDONALD’s Canada and McCain Foods Partnered to Announce a $1M Program to Promote Soil Health via Regenerative Farming

McDonald's NYSE:MCD and McCain Foods

McDonald’s Canada and McCain Foods

To encourage more Canadian potato farmers to adopt regenerative practices and technology, McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) Canada and McCain Foods Limited are pleased to announce a new partnership to establish the Future of Potato Farming Fund, with each company contributing $1 million toward grants for education, demonstration, and cost-sharing. Due to the increasing effects of climate change on productivity and crop quality, the new Fund aims to improve soil health and strengthen farm resilience.

McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) World Famous FriesTM begins with good soil and devoted potato producers, says McDonald’s Canada’s Gemma Pryor. McDonald’s Canada and McCain Foods work together to enhance agricultural practices and assist the next generation of Canadian farmers.

Canadian farmers are experiencing abrupt storms, drought, unseasonable precipitation, early frosts, chilly springs, and blistering heat waves. This threatens food security and agricultural quality in Canada. The McDonald’s McCain Future of Potato Agricultural Fund seeks to protect Canada’s farming economy by promoting regenerative farming techniques that promote soil health and farm resilience.

“Climate change affects the crop and potato growers. McCain has vowed to adopt regenerative farming methods on all potato land by 2030 “McCain Foods’ Western Canada Ag Director Jeremy Carter. “Our shared vision with McDonald’s Canada, we help our farmers speed the shift to regenerative agriculture concepts, including preserving living cover, lowering tillage intensity, diversifying rotations, and minimizing chemical applications. This Fund may lead to healthier Canadian soils and tasty, planet-friendly food via education, demonstrations, and direct producer financing.”

McCain Foods’ worldwide Regenerative Agriculture Framework defines a regenerative potato acre. This worldwide, voluntary framework will help producers transition to regenerative agriculture.

McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) Canada invests in and works with partners and suppliers that share its values to establish a vibrant food system. Food quality and sourcing are ways the firm embodies its goal to nourish and build communities so Canadians may Love what’s next.

“The relationship between McDonald’s Canada and McCain Foods underlines the necessity of joining together as an industry to help Canadian farmers,” says Potatoes New Brunswick’s Matt Hemphill. “Canadian potato producers are enthusiastic to test cost-shared regenerative strategies and technologies. This is a terrific example of helping Canadian farmers experiment with regenerative farming approaches to future-proof the land and provide excellent potatoes for future generations.”

More than 130 Canadian farmers representing 76,000 acres of potato farming may apply. Starting in August 2022, producers will receive funds to apply regulatory practices to increase soil health and resilience. Growers may apply for cost-sharing for regenerative techniques and technology, including cover crop seed, flower strip seed, reduced intensity tillage equipment, decision support systems, organic soil supplements, and more.

A group of McDonald’s Canada, McCain Foods, The Soil Health Institute, and a potato farmer will decide on funding. McDonald’s Canada and McCain Foods will partner with the Soil Health Institute to monitor program success, including enhanced soil organic carbon and total nitrogen, bulk density, aggregate stability, plant accessible water, and drainage capacity.

McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) Canada and McCain Foods are creating climate resilience so everyone can eat healthily.

Featured Image:  Megapixl @Composterbox

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About the author: I'm a financial journalist with more than 3 years of experience. I have worked for different financial companies and covered stocks listed on ASX, NYSE, NASDAQ, etc. I have a degree in marketing from Bahria University Islamabad Campus (BUIC), Pakistan.