How to Distribute Your Press Release and 6 Reasons Why You Need a Press Release

How to Distribute Your Press Release

Press releases take different forms. Knowing the best approaches for distribution will help you to promote your business. 

World-renowned brands like Apple, Amazon, IBM, and small businesses like those in your localities rely on press releases to increase sales and publicity for their businesses.

The first step to getting it right is crafting an in-depth press release. Next is for you to create a network with the right media outlets. 

In this article, we will discuss the key points you need to know about press releases, what a good press release looks like, and how to write a press release effectively and finally, how to distribute your press release.

Key points to note about press releases

A press release is an essential tool for businesses. It is a way to communicate with the media about your product, service, or company.

Press releases are intended to pique the interest of journalists, bloggers, and others who may interact with or be interested in your business.

There are several vital points you should keep in mind when writing a press release:

  • A press release should be newsworthy – it should be interesting and relevant to your audience.
  • A press release should be well written – it should be clear, concise, and free of errors.
  • A press release should be timely – it should be released when the information is still relevant and fresh.
  • A press release should have a catchy headline – it should be attention-grabbing and make the reader want to read more.
  • A press release should have a professional look – it should be free of typos and grammatical errors, and it should use proper formatting.

What does a good press release look like?

A press release only becomes effective if it serves the purpose it’s meant for. You need to have a target audience. 

After all, you want the communication with them to be built on mutual respect and understanding, not one-sided adoration. So how do you strike the right balance?

First, keep it short and sweet. A press release should be no more than one page, and it should get straight to the point. However, there are times when a press release could be two pages. 

Second, focus on the who, what, when, where, and why of your story. Here, you discuss the exciting and fascinating part of your story in detail.

Third, use an active voice and brisk language. Fourth, include quotes from essential people involved in the story. Lastly, proofread carefully. A press release with typos is like a first date with bad breath – it’s a major turnoff.

Why do you need to write and distribute your press release?

There are a few reasons why you need to write and distribute your press release. The most obvious one is to give your business greater public exposure. 

Here are more reasons why you need a press release.

  1. It helps build credibility for your business – A press release can help you build credibility for your business. If you can get your press release published in a reputable outlet, it will lend more credence to your business.
  2. It’s a cost-effective marketing tool – Press releases are an excellent way to get the word out about your business without breaking the bank.
  3. It can improve your search engine ranking – A press release picked up by a major news outlet can help improve your website’s search engine ranking. This, in turn, can lead to more traffic and more sales.
  4. It boosts your brand’s image –  A well-written press release can increase your brand’s image and reputation.
  5. It’s a valuable tool for making announcements –  A press release is an ideal way to make announcements about your product, service, or company.
  6. It helps in crisis management –  In the event of a crisis, a press release can help you control the narrative and protect your reputation.

How do you write a press release effectively?

Crafting an effective press release is not as difficult as it may seem. By following these seven steps, you can write a press release that will pique the interest of journalists and help you get the media coverage you desire.

  1. Start with a catchy headline: The headline is one of the most critical elements of your press release. It should be attention-grabbing and give readers a taste of what the story is about.
  2. Get to the point: The first paragraph of your press release should be the most important. It should sum up the main points of your story and make readers want to read on.
  3. Write like a journalist: When writing your press release, think like a journalist. Write in an inverted pyramid style, with the most critical information at the top and the least important information at the bottom.
  4. Include quotes: Quotes can add credibility to your press release and make it more interesting to read. If you have a quote from a relevant expert or spokesperson, be sure to include it.
  5. Use simple language: When writing your press release, use language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon and technical terms, and make sure your grammar and spelling are perfect.
  6. Proofread your work: Before you hit the “send” button, proofread your press release for any errors. Typos can make you look unprofessional, so it’s essential to take the time to edit your work.
  7. Distribute your press release properly: Once you’ve written and edited your press release, it’s time to send it out into the world. Make sure you’re distributing it to the right outlets and following up with journalists who show interest.

By following these simple tips, you can write an effective press release that will help you get the media coverage you desire.

Essential questions to ask when writing your press release

  1. Who is your target audience? 

Before you start writing, it’s essential to know who your target audience is. This will help you determine what information to include and how to craft your story.

  1. What would entice readers or audiences to learn more about you?

Think about what would make someone want to read your press release. Is it an exciting story? Does it offer a new perspective?

  1. What is the purpose of your press release? 

Are you trying to generate media coverage? Announce a new product or service? Build credibility for your business? It’s essential to know the purpose of your press release before you start writing.

  • Do you have reasonable expectations?

Set realistic expectations for what you can achieve, and you’ll be more likely to succeed.  Remember that a press release is just one tool in your marketing arsenal.

  1. What is the newsworthy angle of your story? 

Your story should be newsworthy and exciting enough to capture the attention of journalists. If it’s not, you run the risk of your press release being ignored.

  • Who are your sources? 

If you include quotes or statistics in your press release, it’s important to include credible sources. This will add weight to your story and make it more trustworthy.

  • When is the news embargoed? 

An embargo is a request from a source not to publish certain information until a specified date or time. If you have an embargoed story, be sure to adhere to it.

  • How does your product or service differ from competitors’? 

If you’re announcing a new product or service, it’s essential to highlight what makes it unique. This will help you stand out from the competition and capture the attention of journalists.

Best Practices for Distribution

The best way to distribute your press release is to send it to relevant journalists who cover your industry. You can find these journalists by searching for their contact information on Google or using a media database like Cision.

Once you have a list of journalists, send them each an email with your press release attached. In your email, explain why you think your story would be of interest to their readers.

You can also submit your press release to a paid distribution service like PR Newswire, Business Wire, or Press Reach. These services will distribute your press release to a wide audience, including journalists, bloggers, and social media influencers.

Final Thoughts: Write and Distribute Your Press Release

A press release is a powerful marketing tool that can help promote your business, product, service, or event. By following these seven simple tips, you can write an effective press release and get the media coverage you desire.

When distributing your press release, be sure to target relevant journalists and use paid distribution services for maximum reach. If you need the service of professionals, you can get help from Press Reach.

Featured Image:  Megapixl © Arturszczybylo

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About the author: Saheed Salami is a technical writer and content marketer who has worked with venture capitalists, crypto exchanges, and blockchain companies across the Middle East, the United States, the UK, and Europe. He has a deep understanding of how blockchain technology works and is passionate about helping others understand it too. He is known for his wit, humor, and ability to digest complex information. When he's not writing or marketing, Saheed enjoys traveling and playing video games with his xoxo.